Sunday, March 21, 2010

This is a Gray Whale that is swimming north to get food for their young.
I went whale watching with my grandparents because it was getting close to my birthday.
That's me and my best babysitter Beth.

We are starting to set sail.

I was looking for whales but didn't find any.

I had a great time.


  1. Happy Birthday George! It looks like a fun outing. Sorry you didn't see any whales, but it's always fun to look for them. Have a great day tomorrow!

  2. George looks like you had a blast with Oma and Papa! Uncle Nick just saw the pictures of you and he said, "he just looks so much older!" Look at you, you're growing up so fast.
    We had a great time at the roller skating rink with you and can't wait to see what your next blog post is about!
    Aunt Allie, Uncle Nick and Bean!
